Thursday, 18 June 2015

Heritage Walk - Nether Edge Sheffield

What better way to spend a lovely June evening   ........  with a walk around the beautiful Nether Edge area of Sheffield.
Once we'd explained to Mary that we were walking - not cycling!! - we were quickly into our stride with Pat Henderson reading the clues and scribing,  Pat Shaw and Mary Wilman searching for answers and Jayne Spaven attempting to map-read!

Our Intrepid Team outside St Andrew Church Nether Edge.
 We had a great time following the well chosen route and although some clues proved difficult to find we managed to complete the 'course' in good time with an answer for everything!!  (Not always correct as we later found out!!)
A wonderful tea awaited us at Nether Edge Social Club provided by the host WI group, and although results showed that we weren't placed in the top 3 we were happy with our performance.  (At least Jayne won the Raffle!!)
What a Tea!!

 All members of our team enjoyed the evening and would recommend other members to join in these walks in the future - we can always enter more than one team!


Monday, 15 June 2015

Victoria Hall Sheffield - President's Workshop

With Sue Dixon finishing her tenure as President at the AGM this winter,  Mary and Jayne attended a really interesting and informative seminar at the Victoria Hall in Sheffield run for all aspiring/new Presidents by the South Yorkshire Federation.
The morning session went very quickly and the best bit was meeting members from other WI groups and sharing ideas.
Good Luck Mary in your new role!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Take 2 Theatre Visit - The King and I

Despite Sybil (our intrepid  Entertainment Organiser!) being on holiday, she still made the booking so that over 20 members and friends could enjoy the wonderful performance of the King and I by the local Take2Theatre group .   Once again we were thoroughly entertained by the groups many talented members - especially the youngest member who we all wanted to take home!!

Our happy band of theatre goers!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

WI Centenary AGM from the Albert Hall

After Sue's wonderful day at Buckingham Palace, the WI continued its Centenary Celebrations with its AGM held at the Albert Hall.
We had the opportunity along with other members of our Federation to watch the AGM 'live' at the Centertainment in Sheffield.  The cinema was absolutely packed when we walked in and we only just managed to get seats where we could all sit together.
Carolyn, Peggy and Jayne arriving at Centertainment

100 Years of the WI

Our first glimpse of the Albert Hall on screen

The National WI Chair greeted the Queen, Princess Royal and Countess of Wessex to the stage as the WI Centenary Baton entered the Hall to great applause.  As everyone stood to sing the National Anthem we then listened to the Queen give a rousing endorsement to the work of the WI over its first 100 years!  The Queen then left to cut the Centenary Cake to be enjoyed by federation delegates with their lunchtime tea!  Unfortunately we had to buy our own!!
Cutting the Cake!
WI members in the 1950's

We listened to this year's resolution being heatedly debated, before three excellent speeches from three inspirational women in completely different fields of life - Historian Lucy Worsley,  ex Paralympian Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson and Businesswoman Helena Morrisey.  All were highly entertaining and did full justice to the WI logo of Inspiring Women.

We left the Centertainment complex proud to belong to such a wonderful organisation.  Here's to the next 100 years!!


June Meeting - The story of Liquorice

A lovely sunny evening .... and a really lively and entertaining presentation by Tom Dixon (no relation to Sue!) about his work as a young man in the liquorice industry at the W.R.Wilkinson factory in Pontefract.
Tom giving us a history of Liquorice production in Pontefract

Tom told us how Liquorice came to Pontefract from Spain and was grown in the fields around Pontefract thriving in the 'sandy' soil of the area,  supplying at the turn of the 20th Century seventeen factories for use in a wide variety of ways - not just sweets.

We discovered all sorts of interesting information - such as the fact that liquorice is fifty times sweeter than sugar and is the sweetest natural product on earth.  Also Camel trains that go for weeks on end across the deserts of the world are always chewing liquorice as its stops them getting thirsty!!

The famous Pontefract cakes

Tom showing us the original 'wax seal' used by Mrs Dunhill to make the first Pontefract Penny which became the world renowned Pontefract Cake

Joan with an 'edible' liquorice boot used in one of the Charlie Chaplin silent movies

The presentation was really enjoyed by us all and Tom thoroughly deserved the vote of thanks given by Jean.  We were then able to buy signed books written by Tom with the proceeds going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity.

We then had the business part of the meeting with information about many forthcoming summer events  -  WI Centenary AGM live from the Albert Hall ... Rockley Rally ... Theatre Trips ... Heritage Walks ... Lunch at Marie's Tea Rooms as well as our own  WI Centenary 1920's Themed Party!!  With all that to look forward to we really were ready for Brenda Allott's famous Fruit Cake and Date and Walnut Cake and Tea.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Buckingham Palace Garden Party

What a way to celebrate 100 years of the Womens Institute - a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
Our hardworking President Sue in the Rose Garden of Buckingham Palace
(enjoying a well-earned rest)

Wentworth WI President - Jennifer Brunskill

On the coach travelling to London

Exploring the Palace Grounds
Sue and Jennifer joined 8.000 other WI members from around the country to celebrate the Centenary of the WI.  They were joined by the Duchess of Cambridge, the Countess of Wessex and the Duchess of Gloucester.  It was a wonderful sunny day and enjoyed by all.
We're glad you enjoyed your day Sue - and many thanks from us all for all the hard work you've put in during your tenure as President - you've been fantastic!!