Thursday, 28 March 2019

March Meeting - SYEDA with Jenny Allen

 This years charity is the South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association.  Trustee Jenny Allen gave us a very informative presentation about their work with people of all ages and both sexes and how they support the whole family of sufferers of a variety of eating disorders.  As well as our speaker fee, an addittional £60 was collected in donations for this very worthwhile charity.

Our March birthday girls!

'March Tea ladies'

Another great evening - don't forget our 'Time 4 Tea' Coffee Morning in aid of Weston Park Hospital next month!!

Village Noticeboard

The village noticeboard erected two years ago thanks to the hard work of many WI members is looked after by committee member Pat Shaw - posters for display can be handed in directly to her or left in the Trinity Centre and she will collect them.  The bulbs we planted last year look fantastic in the spring sunshine.

February Meeting - Quilting with Janet Bothamley

A really interesting presentation by Janet with lots of Quilts for us to examine and admire.

We also said 'Goodbye' to long time members Susan Delaney, Margaret Howard and Pam Holmes who unfortunately are no longer able to come to meetings - hopefully we'll see them at Village activities - we wish them well.

Margaret Howard

Pam Holmes and Susan Delaney