Sunday, 6 September 2015

Centenial Fair Harrogate - Celebrating 100 years of the WI's Achievements

Sue, Pat, Sheila, Elsie and Jayne along with members of other WI's in the Rockley group enjoyed a wonderful day in Harrogate at the Centennial Fair - one of the key events to celebrate the events of the WI over the past 100 years. 
Any one for raffle tickets!!

What a lovely day

Tea first - then the hard part deciding where to start!!
 Huxley Cup Winners

Sheila voting for the 'peoples choice'
Sue shopping for Craft Items

Jayne enjoying the photography presentation

We all enjoyed the Centenary Panels

Each panel represents a decade of the WI - amazing!!

After lunch a cookery demonstration ...... and a free spoon!

The Fair achieved its aims in showing that the WI is made up of all kinds of women of different ages and backgrounds providing a range of activities that appeal to all.
All of this is underpinned by friendship, fun and socialising - that was certainly apparent today.
Here's to the next 100 years!

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