Sunday 5 November 2017

The History Wardrobe

Members along with others from the Rockley Group enjoyed a very interesting and informative presentation by Historian Lucy Adlington in Hoyland, all about clothing in the 1940's.
This included the wartime attitude of 'make-do-and-mend' , clothes ratings as well as home dressmaking.

The talk was an introduction to her new novel 'Red Ribbon' which is about a young seamstress in a German Concentration Camp in occupied Poland.  This was followed by an 'obligatory' WI Cream Tea!  Cheers!

Sybil and Angela

Another excellent Federation event.


  1. There were no Polish concentration camps . . . Only German concentration camps in German-occupied Poland.

    1. Thank you for the quick correction.

    2. Sorry for the mistake with the wording - no offence was intended.
