On Thursday Jean, Michelle and I went for a visit to the Seven Hills WI in central Sheffield. This is the newest WI in Sheffield and is very trendy. We were made to feel really really welcome.
There were some very obvious differences to Thorpe Hesley WI:
- The age group - 7 Hills ladies are mainly in their 20's, although the oldest member is 59. Our youngest member is nearly 40, and our oldest is 90.
- Almost all of the 7 hills ladies work, most of ours are retired.
- The venue for the 7 hills draws ladies in from all around the Sheffield area - 360 degrees. Almost all of our ladies are from our village.
- Most 7 hills members were strangers to each other before they joined, most of ours have known each other for years.
There were lots of similarities:
- The noise level of the chatting - very reassuring to know that this is normal!
- The boring meeting bit at the start that nobody really enjoys but is fairly vital.
- The value of friendship. Lots of 7 hills ladies were young and single, working in a new city with no friends. Lots of our ladies are single by bereavement and empty nest syndrome. All have found friends their have enriched their lives and given them a sense of belonging again. I think that this is the most precious thing ever.
- The cakes and food in general. 7 hills seem as food obsessed as we are!
- Joie de Vivre - by the ton in each group.
Well it seemed a very successful visit, Not living in UK you will have to explain WI I'm guessing it is Women's Institute???? Anyway it looks a grand organisation and filling a real need of women, young and old.
ReplyDeleteWhat a good idea! Never heard of this swishing before. Wondered what you'd been up to. Thought it might be like swinging but with a feather duster!